More git prompt - Does it work on a Mac?
So a few years ago I wrote this article about setting a custom shell prompt that is "Git aware" and shows you your current branch.
The question came up as to whether or not this works on a Mac under OS/X.
I have always advocated avoiding things like WAMP or MAMP because I don't like a bunch of services running on my workstation. I prefer using virtualization to run a *nix distro matching whatever target deployment server I'm going to run under. VMWare, Virtualbox etc. along with the popularity of Vagrant and Docker have tremendous advantages over something like MAMP in my experience. You start the environment when you need it, and stop it when you don't, and there's no problem having 5 different VM's with different stacks and php versions.
For this reason, I have never been all that concerned with setting a git aware shell prompt up on my macbook. But as it's a *nix-like operating system, it has the basics you need to make the shell prompt code work, albeit with 2 required tweaks.
First you have to edit the /etc/profile script so that it will look for and read scripts in an /etc/profile.d directory. sudo vi, nano or whatever you want to edit the /etc/profile script and add this at the bottom:
for sh in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
[ -r "$sh" ] && . "$sh"
unset sh
This is simple bourne shell code to read in scripts in the /etc/profile.d directory when you login to a shell. It is a system-wide script, so when you change this, you change it for all users on the system.
Now you just have to create the /etc/profile.d directory.
sudo mkdir /etc/profile.d
Once this is done, you can use the same simple method described in the original article.
The question came up as to whether or not this works on a Mac under OS/X.
I have always advocated avoiding things like WAMP or MAMP because I don't like a bunch of services running on my workstation. I prefer using virtualization to run a *nix distro matching whatever target deployment server I'm going to run under. VMWare, Virtualbox etc. along with the popularity of Vagrant and Docker have tremendous advantages over something like MAMP in my experience. You start the environment when you need it, and stop it when you don't, and there's no problem having 5 different VM's with different stacks and php versions.
For this reason, I have never been all that concerned with setting a git aware shell prompt up on my macbook. But as it's a *nix-like operating system, it has the basics you need to make the shell prompt code work, albeit with 2 required tweaks.
First you have to edit the /etc/profile script so that it will look for and read scripts in an /etc/profile.d directory. sudo vi, nano or whatever you want to edit the /etc/profile script and add this at the bottom:
for sh in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
[ -r "$sh" ] && . "$sh"
unset sh
This is simple bourne shell code to read in scripts in the /etc/profile.d directory when you login to a shell. It is a system-wide script, so when you change this, you change it for all users on the system.
Now you just have to create the /etc/profile.d directory.
sudo mkdir /etc/profile.d
Once this is done, you can use the same simple method described in the original article.